Zzzzzz…. Think you might be pregnant? Trying to read the tea leaves before you test? I can tell you that one of my earliest symptoms was fatigue — I mean I was exhausted! Not immediately, but very early on — the crushing fatigue hit shortly after the sore boobs. If you’re sooo tired, too, and think it might mean you’re PG, read on. Every woman is different, but fatigue is definitely a common sign of early pregnancy. And you may notice it as early as two weeks after conception. Exhaustion alone, of course, can also be related to stress, a cold, or other illness. But if you haven’t gotten your period and you’re experiencing other common pregnancy symptoms — spotting, tender breasts, or nausea, for example — then it’s time to pop open the Clear Blue box and take a test. If you’re newly-pregnant, was exhaustion one of your earliest symptoms?

Am I Pregnant  I m So Tired  - 2