There are so many breastfeeding myths that are basically un-thruths that tend to get repeated, without all the particulars factored in. With that in mind, gathering up all those myths is important so new moms are armed with the best information out there. Myths need to be debunked. The good news is, however, is that there is a ton of great information out there to be absorbed — along with so many great resources that moms can lean on within their own community, especially in new mom groups. Not all of the stuff thrown at new moms is bad — and even when it is, it isn’t with malicious intent. Oftentimes, people just want to help. But sometimes that “help” isn’t helping, especially when the details are scant and not exactly true. In looking at some of the more common myths, a pattern emerges. And that’s one of getting moms to trust their gut and their instincts. Another pattern is making sure moms know that they are powerful and incredible beings who just created life, and have the ability to sustain it, and help their baby thrive. A mother’s breastfeeding journey may be filled with every emotion out there, and so that’s why debunking these myths can help take a bit of worry away so the best emotions make the most lasting impression.