Today we are going to enjoy some blind date stories from both ends of the spectrum, We’ve got tales of blind dates that led to babies and wedding bells and stories that prove that sometimes it is better just to stay single.  I honestly wasn’t sure anything could beat the story of a friend who got set up on a blind date with a guy who turned out to be her cousin (!), but I think #7 might be a contender. Image via Chiang So online dating it was. Except I was too poor for the paid sites. So I responded to a Craigslist ad. He was a PhD student at the university, in physics. Anyways, he said he liked beer and asked me to choose a place. I suggested this brand-new restaurant The Happy Gnome. Long pause on his end. Awkward clearing of throat. He agrees to meet me there at 7 the following day. I get there and he is SHORT. Not like a little person, but maybe only 5'1". Okay, fine, I’m still nice. Asking him questions about himself, etc. And he is a pompous dick. He actually asks me, ‘Why are you JUST graduating with your BA at age 25? I was PAST my master’s at that point.’ I stumble over how to answer, but at this point, the waitress shows up with our check. He stares me in the eye, pats his wallet and says coolly, ‘Oops. Guess I left my check card at home.’ Waitress chimes in, ‘This guy is unbelievable!!’ as I’m trying to shove my card in her hand, because, my God, I just want it to be over. He stands up to leave and says, ‘It’s pretty obvious that this won’t go anywhere. I’m clearly very far above you.’  And I just sat there, stunned. To this day, my biggest regret is not screaming back, ‘No! I’m clearly above YOU, you modern-day fking Napoleon asshat!! By six fking inches!!’" — L.D. We take his car to a local restaurant and I order on the cheap because I’m broke and I will be offering to pay for myself. I also had the emergency pager for work, so I couldn’t really drink. Meanwhile, he ordered an appetizer, an entree, a bottle of wine, and dessert. He eats all of it PLUS my leftovers. When the bill comes, I say, ‘Can I pitch in?’ and he said, ‘Sure! Let’s split it!’ I was too stunned to argue so my $13 ravioli cost me $50. Meanwhile, during the dinner conversation, he said no less than three times, ‘I’m not gay,’ casually amidst normal conversation. So now I know he’s gay. Then it comes out that his father is a conservative, well-respected minister. All the pieces fell together. Yet when he asked if I wanted to go next door and listen to music, I wanted to see how much worse it could get, so I said sure. He slammed drink after drink after drink and got completely wasted. He threw in several more ‘I’m not gays’ and then I had to drive his car back to his house because he was so drunk. He tried to kiss me, but I dodged it and escaped to my car. I really hope that poor guy is out and proud now!" — A.F. About a half hour into the conversation, he asked what temple I belonged to. I told him, ‘I’m Catholic’ (I am, but I’m not in any way religious). He ended dinner quickly and basically told me he wasted my time because he only dated Jewish women. Never in my whole life have I been so happy to be Catholic!" — S.S.  More from CafeMom: 30 Bad Dates Stories That Will Turn You into a Nun At one point, he was trying to steer the conversation to sex and I realized he was jacking off under the table. I’ve never left a restaurant so fast." — J.Y. More from CafeMom: 15 Funniest & Shortest ‘Worst Date" Stories We’ve Ever Heard We went to the movies and Mr. Stoney forgot his wallet. So I had to buy the tickets. And then he wanted snacks, so that was another $30. It wasn’t fun and it cost me over $50. Worst night ever." — C.R. It took some convincing for her to get him to agree since the last setup went so badly, but our date at the Science Museum, which we laughed the whole way through, extended to drinks, and then extended to the Artists’ Quarter for jazz and more drinks. Our second date was the next day, since we didn’t want to wait a whole week and he was traveling for work Sundays through Thursdays at the time. Needless to say, it was a success and a whirlwind romance. He actually went looking for engagement rings (I didn’t find out until later) less than three months after our first date! We also found out that I was pregnant on our three-month anniversary." — T.G. We get to the Muddy Pig and my date’s friend was a semi-drunk asshat and was set up on a blind date with a gorgeous, smart, put-together woman. She and I immediately bonded over pop culture. We basically huddled in the booth together like little girls, and whispered to each other about shared love of Pete Yorn and grad school, and giggled over our OBVIOUSLY hilarious jokes. The two dudes stared balefully at us from across the booth. Turned out SHE needed to be saved on her blind date, not the other way around. Best blind date I ever had. I never got her number because I was too new to Minnesota culture and too shy to ask her out on a friend date, but I think her name was Brooke. I wish I’d asked her for her number!" — W.G. For the record: I have nothing against long hair and told Jackie this! When we talked on the phone before we met, he said, ‘Jackie told me that you do Jazzercise, have big boobs, and aren’t a slut.’ Interesting description, Jackie? But apparently it caught his attention! Our first date was a really fun dinner with a great server and good food. We then went to a club where a friend of his was playing in a band. I called and invited Jackie and she declined, but I later learned she and her boyfriend went and SPIED on us!  It was the BEST first date, the only blind date I’ve gone on, and 10 years later we’ve been married for six years and have a kid and a kitty!" — N.M. I was hurt worse than he was and he was there every day I was in the hospital and then came to check on me for weeks afterwards. After a while, I realized we were basically a couple. We ended up engaged before we even had a second date! He was just so caring and the accident gave me an accelerated glimpse of it." — J.G.

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title: “12 Epic Blind Date Stories That End In Love Or Horror” ShowToc: true date: “2024-10-13” author: “Donald Rowland”

Today we are going to enjoy some blind date stories from both ends of the spectrum, We’ve got tales of blind dates that led to babies and wedding bells and stories that prove that sometimes it is better just to stay single.  I honestly wasn’t sure anything could beat the story of a friend who got set up on a blind date with a guy who turned out to be her cousin (!), but I think #7 might be a contender. Image via Chiang So online dating it was. Except I was too poor for the paid sites. So I responded to a Craigslist ad. He was a PhD student at the university, in physics. Anyways, he said he liked beer and asked me to choose a place. I suggested this brand-new restaurant The Happy Gnome. Long pause on his end. Awkward clearing of throat. He agrees to meet me there at 7 the following day. I get there and he is SHORT. Not like a little person, but maybe only 5'1". Okay, fine, I’m still nice. Asking him questions about himself, etc. And he is a pompous dick. He actually asks me, ‘Why are you JUST graduating with your BA at age 25? I was PAST my master’s at that point.’ I stumble over how to answer, but at this point, the waitress shows up with our check. He stares me in the eye, pats his wallet and says coolly, ‘Oops. Guess I left my check card at home.’ Waitress chimes in, ‘This guy is unbelievable!!’ as I’m trying to shove my card in her hand, because, my God, I just want it to be over. He stands up to leave and says, ‘It’s pretty obvious that this won’t go anywhere. I’m clearly very far above you.’  And I just sat there, stunned. To this day, my biggest regret is not screaming back, ‘No! I’m clearly above YOU, you modern-day fking Napoleon asshat!! By six fking inches!!’" — L.D. We take his car to a local restaurant and I order on the cheap because I’m broke and I will be offering to pay for myself. I also had the emergency pager for work, so I couldn’t really drink. Meanwhile, he ordered an appetizer, an entree, a bottle of wine, and dessert. He eats all of it PLUS my leftovers. When the bill comes, I say, ‘Can I pitch in?’ and he said, ‘Sure! Let’s split it!’ I was too stunned to argue so my $13 ravioli cost me $50. Meanwhile, during the dinner conversation, he said no less than three times, ‘I’m not gay,’ casually amidst normal conversation. So now I know he’s gay. Then it comes out that his father is a conservative, well-respected minister. All the pieces fell together. Yet when he asked if I wanted to go next door and listen to music, I wanted to see how much worse it could get, so I said sure. He slammed drink after drink after drink and got completely wasted. He threw in several more ‘I’m not gays’ and then I had to drive his car back to his house because he was so drunk. He tried to kiss me, but I dodged it and escaped to my car. I really hope that poor guy is out and proud now!" — A.F. About a half hour into the conversation, he asked what temple I belonged to. I told him, ‘I’m Catholic’ (I am, but I’m not in any way religious). He ended dinner quickly and basically told me he wasted my time because he only dated Jewish women. Never in my whole life have I been so happy to be Catholic!" — S.S.  More from CafeMom: 30 Bad Dates Stories That Will Turn You into a Nun At one point, he was trying to steer the conversation to sex and I realized he was jacking off under the table. I’ve never left a restaurant so fast." — J.Y. More from CafeMom: 15 Funniest & Shortest ‘Worst Date" Stories We’ve Ever Heard We went to the movies and Mr. Stoney forgot his wallet. So I had to buy the tickets. And then he wanted snacks, so that was another $30. It wasn’t fun and it cost me over $50. Worst night ever." — C.R. It took some convincing for her to get him to agree since the last setup went so badly, but our date at the Science Museum, which we laughed the whole way through, extended to drinks, and then extended to the Artists’ Quarter for jazz and more drinks. Our second date was the next day, since we didn’t want to wait a whole week and he was traveling for work Sundays through Thursdays at the time. Needless to say, it was a success and a whirlwind romance. He actually went looking for engagement rings (I didn’t find out until later) less than three months after our first date! We also found out that I was pregnant on our three-month anniversary." — T.G. We get to the Muddy Pig and my date’s friend was a semi-drunk asshat and was set up on a blind date with a gorgeous, smart, put-together woman. She and I immediately bonded over pop culture. We basically huddled in the booth together like little girls, and whispered to each other about shared love of Pete Yorn and grad school, and giggled over our OBVIOUSLY hilarious jokes. The two dudes stared balefully at us from across the booth. Turned out SHE needed to be saved on her blind date, not the other way around. Best blind date I ever had. I never got her number because I was too new to Minnesota culture and too shy to ask her out on a friend date, but I think her name was Brooke. I wish I’d asked her for her number!" — W.G. For the record: I have nothing against long hair and told Jackie this! When we talked on the phone before we met, he said, ‘Jackie told me that you do Jazzercise, have big boobs, and aren’t a slut.’ Interesting description, Jackie? But apparently it caught his attention! Our first date was a really fun dinner with a great server and good food. We then went to a club where a friend of his was playing in a band. I called and invited Jackie and she declined, but I later learned she and her boyfriend went and SPIED on us!  It was the BEST first date, the only blind date I’ve gone on, and 10 years later we’ve been married for six years and have a kid and a kitty!" — N.M. I was hurt worse than he was and he was there every day I was in the hospital and then came to check on me for weeks afterwards. After a while, I realized we were basically a couple. We ended up engaged before we even had a second date! He was just so caring and the accident gave me an accelerated glimpse of it." — J.G.

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title: “12 Epic Blind Date Stories That End In Love Or Horror” ShowToc: true date: “2024-10-01” author: “Henry Hills”

Today we are going to enjoy some blind date stories from both ends of the spectrum, We’ve got tales of blind dates that led to babies and wedding bells and stories that prove that sometimes it is better just to stay single.  I honestly wasn’t sure anything could beat the story of a friend who got set up on a blind date with a guy who turned out to be her cousin (!), but I think #7 might be a contender. Image via Chiang So online dating it was. Except I was too poor for the paid sites. So I responded to a Craigslist ad. He was a PhD student at the university, in physics. Anyways, he said he liked beer and asked me to choose a place. I suggested this brand-new restaurant The Happy Gnome. Long pause on his end. Awkward clearing of throat. He agrees to meet me there at 7 the following day. I get there and he is SHORT. Not like a little person, but maybe only 5'1". Okay, fine, I’m still nice. Asking him questions about himself, etc. And he is a pompous dick. He actually asks me, ‘Why are you JUST graduating with your BA at age 25? I was PAST my master’s at that point.’ I stumble over how to answer, but at this point, the waitress shows up with our check. He stares me in the eye, pats his wallet and says coolly, ‘Oops. Guess I left my check card at home.’ Waitress chimes in, ‘This guy is unbelievable!!’ as I’m trying to shove my card in her hand, because, my God, I just want it to be over. He stands up to leave and says, ‘It’s pretty obvious that this won’t go anywhere. I’m clearly very far above you.’  And I just sat there, stunned. To this day, my biggest regret is not screaming back, ‘No! I’m clearly above YOU, you modern-day fking Napoleon asshat!! By six fking inches!!’" — L.D. We take his car to a local restaurant and I order on the cheap because I’m broke and I will be offering to pay for myself. I also had the emergency pager for work, so I couldn’t really drink. Meanwhile, he ordered an appetizer, an entree, a bottle of wine, and dessert. He eats all of it PLUS my leftovers. When the bill comes, I say, ‘Can I pitch in?’ and he said, ‘Sure! Let’s split it!’ I was too stunned to argue so my $13 ravioli cost me $50. Meanwhile, during the dinner conversation, he said no less than three times, ‘I’m not gay,’ casually amidst normal conversation. So now I know he’s gay. Then it comes out that his father is a conservative, well-respected minister. All the pieces fell together. Yet when he asked if I wanted to go next door and listen to music, I wanted to see how much worse it could get, so I said sure. He slammed drink after drink after drink and got completely wasted. He threw in several more ‘I’m not gays’ and then I had to drive his car back to his house because he was so drunk. He tried to kiss me, but I dodged it and escaped to my car. I really hope that poor guy is out and proud now!" — A.F. About a half hour into the conversation, he asked what temple I belonged to. I told him, ‘I’m Catholic’ (I am, but I’m not in any way religious). He ended dinner quickly and basically told me he wasted my time because he only dated Jewish women. Never in my whole life have I been so happy to be Catholic!" — S.S.  More from CafeMom: 30 Bad Dates Stories That Will Turn You into a Nun At one point, he was trying to steer the conversation to sex and I realized he was jacking off under the table. I’ve never left a restaurant so fast." — J.Y. More from CafeMom: 15 Funniest & Shortest ‘Worst Date" Stories We’ve Ever Heard We went to the movies and Mr. Stoney forgot his wallet. So I had to buy the tickets. And then he wanted snacks, so that was another $30. It wasn’t fun and it cost me over $50. Worst night ever." — C.R. It took some convincing for her to get him to agree since the last setup went so badly, but our date at the Science Museum, which we laughed the whole way through, extended to drinks, and then extended to the Artists’ Quarter for jazz and more drinks. Our second date was the next day, since we didn’t want to wait a whole week and he was traveling for work Sundays through Thursdays at the time. Needless to say, it was a success and a whirlwind romance. He actually went looking for engagement rings (I didn’t find out until later) less than three months after our first date! We also found out that I was pregnant on our three-month anniversary." — T.G. We get to the Muddy Pig and my date’s friend was a semi-drunk asshat and was set up on a blind date with a gorgeous, smart, put-together woman. She and I immediately bonded over pop culture. We basically huddled in the booth together like little girls, and whispered to each other about shared love of Pete Yorn and grad school, and giggled over our OBVIOUSLY hilarious jokes. The two dudes stared balefully at us from across the booth. Turned out SHE needed to be saved on her blind date, not the other way around. Best blind date I ever had. I never got her number because I was too new to Minnesota culture and too shy to ask her out on a friend date, but I think her name was Brooke. I wish I’d asked her for her number!" — W.G. For the record: I have nothing against long hair and told Jackie this! When we talked on the phone before we met, he said, ‘Jackie told me that you do Jazzercise, have big boobs, and aren’t a slut.’ Interesting description, Jackie? But apparently it caught his attention! Our first date was a really fun dinner with a great server and good food. We then went to a club where a friend of his was playing in a band. I called and invited Jackie and she declined, but I later learned she and her boyfriend went and SPIED on us!  It was the BEST first date, the only blind date I’ve gone on, and 10 years later we’ve been married for six years and have a kid and a kitty!" — N.M. I was hurt worse than he was and he was there every day I was in the hospital and then came to check on me for weeks afterwards. After a while, I realized we were basically a couple. We ended up engaged before we even had a second date! He was just so caring and the accident gave me an accelerated glimpse of it." — J.G.

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