(And, yes, that’s my 9-week-old golden retriever. Don’t let her cuteness fool you. She’s a devil.)
- You’ll no longer sleep though the night. You’ll be up just as often as you were with a newborn and a puppy isn’t nearly as good of an excuse for dark circles as a new baby is.
- Scrubbing pee and shit out of the carpet becomes part of the daily routine. It turns out dog poop is even worse than baby poop.
- There’s another mouth to feed every night. And you can’t just whip out a boob. More from The Stir: 25 Common Momisms We Swear We’ll Never Say (But Always Do)
- And another body to clean up after. Hello, muddy paws. At least newborns keep their mess contained to their diapers.
- The doctor bills are insane. Why is it that I’m at the vet’s so much more than I was ever at the pediatrician’s?
- Nobody offers to watch the “baby” or brings you dinner like they did when you had a new baby.
- Shoes become chew toys. Not one of my kids ever destroyed my favorite pair of heels. Ever.
- The crying. Sure, baby cries are sad. But dog cries? ARE THE MOST ANNOYING THING ON EARTH.
- There’s no such thing as puppy maternity leave.
- The dog won’t take care of you when you’re old. And, even worse, you’ll have to take care of it. Still considering that puppy? Image via Scary Mommy
title: “10 Ways Puppies Are Even Worse Than Kids” ShowToc: true date: “2024-10-18” author: “Joyce Thomas”
(And, yes, that’s my 9-week-old golden retriever. Don’t let her cuteness fool you. She’s a devil.)
- You’ll no longer sleep though the night. You’ll be up just as often as you were with a newborn and a puppy isn’t nearly as good of an excuse for dark circles as a new baby is.
- Scrubbing pee and shit out of the carpet becomes part of the daily routine. It turns out dog poop is even worse than baby poop.
- There’s another mouth to feed every night. And you can’t just whip out a boob. More from The Stir: 25 Common Momisms We Swear We’ll Never Say (But Always Do)
- And another body to clean up after. Hello, muddy paws. At least newborns keep their mess contained to their diapers.
- The doctor bills are insane. Why is it that I’m at the vet’s so much more than I was ever at the pediatrician’s?
- Nobody offers to watch the “baby” or brings you dinner like they did when you had a new baby.
- Shoes become chew toys. Not one of my kids ever destroyed my favorite pair of heels. Ever.
- The crying. Sure, baby cries are sad. But dog cries? ARE THE MOST ANNOYING THING ON EARTH.
- There’s no such thing as puppy maternity leave.
- The dog won’t take care of you when you’re old. And, even worse, you’ll have to take care of it. Still considering that puppy? Image via Scary Mommy
title: “10 Ways Puppies Are Even Worse Than Kids” ShowToc: true date: “2024-08-30” author: “Gina Mondesir”
(And, yes, that’s my 9-week-old golden retriever. Don’t let her cuteness fool you. She’s a devil.)
- You’ll no longer sleep though the night. You’ll be up just as often as you were with a newborn and a puppy isn’t nearly as good of an excuse for dark circles as a new baby is.
- Scrubbing pee and shit out of the carpet becomes part of the daily routine. It turns out dog poop is even worse than baby poop.
- There’s another mouth to feed every night. And you can’t just whip out a boob. More from The Stir: 25 Common Momisms We Swear We’ll Never Say (But Always Do)
- And another body to clean up after. Hello, muddy paws. At least newborns keep their mess contained to their diapers.
- The doctor bills are insane. Why is it that I’m at the vet’s so much more than I was ever at the pediatrician’s?
- Nobody offers to watch the “baby” or brings you dinner like they did when you had a new baby.
- Shoes become chew toys. Not one of my kids ever destroyed my favorite pair of heels. Ever.
- The crying. Sure, baby cries are sad. But dog cries? ARE THE MOST ANNOYING THING ON EARTH.
- There’s no such thing as puppy maternity leave.
- The dog won’t take care of you when you’re old. And, even worse, you’ll have to take care of it. Still considering that puppy? Image via Scary Mommy
title: “10 Ways Puppies Are Even Worse Than Kids” ShowToc: true date: “2024-09-01” author: “Michael Davis”
(And, yes, that’s my 9-week-old golden retriever. Don’t let her cuteness fool you. She’s a devil.)
- You’ll no longer sleep though the night. You’ll be up just as often as you were with a newborn and a puppy isn’t nearly as good of an excuse for dark circles as a new baby is.
- Scrubbing pee and shit out of the carpet becomes part of the daily routine. It turns out dog poop is even worse than baby poop.
- There’s another mouth to feed every night. And you can’t just whip out a boob. More from The Stir: 25 Common Momisms We Swear We’ll Never Say (But Always Do)
- And another body to clean up after. Hello, muddy paws. At least newborns keep their mess contained to their diapers.
- The doctor bills are insane. Why is it that I’m at the vet’s so much more than I was ever at the pediatrician’s?
- Nobody offers to watch the “baby” or brings you dinner like they did when you had a new baby.
- Shoes become chew toys. Not one of my kids ever destroyed my favorite pair of heels. Ever.
- The crying. Sure, baby cries are sad. But dog cries? ARE THE MOST ANNOYING THING ON EARTH.
- There’s no such thing as puppy maternity leave.
- The dog won’t take care of you when you’re old. And, even worse, you’ll have to take care of it. Still considering that puppy? Image via Scary Mommy
title: “10 Ways Puppies Are Even Worse Than Kids” ShowToc: true date: “2024-10-21” author: “Teresa Trueblood”
(And, yes, that’s my 9-week-old golden retriever. Don’t let her cuteness fool you. She’s a devil.)
- You’ll no longer sleep though the night. You’ll be up just as often as you were with a newborn and a puppy isn’t nearly as good of an excuse for dark circles as a new baby is.
- Scrubbing pee and shit out of the carpet becomes part of the daily routine. It turns out dog poop is even worse than baby poop.
- There’s another mouth to feed every night. And you can’t just whip out a boob. More from The Stir: 25 Common Momisms We Swear We’ll Never Say (But Always Do)
- And another body to clean up after. Hello, muddy paws. At least newborns keep their mess contained to their diapers.
- The doctor bills are insane. Why is it that I’m at the vet’s so much more than I was ever at the pediatrician’s?
- Nobody offers to watch the “baby” or brings you dinner like they did when you had a new baby.
- Shoes become chew toys. Not one of my kids ever destroyed my favorite pair of heels. Ever.
- The crying. Sure, baby cries are sad. But dog cries? ARE THE MOST ANNOYING THING ON EARTH.
- There’s no such thing as puppy maternity leave.
- The dog won’t take care of you when you’re old. And, even worse, you’ll have to take care of it. Still considering that puppy? Image via Scary Mommy
title: “10 Ways Puppies Are Even Worse Than Kids” ShowToc: true date: “2024-10-20” author: “Gregory Hagemann”
(And, yes, that’s my 9-week-old golden retriever. Don’t let her cuteness fool you. She’s a devil.)
- You’ll no longer sleep though the night. You’ll be up just as often as you were with a newborn and a puppy isn’t nearly as good of an excuse for dark circles as a new baby is.
- Scrubbing pee and shit out of the carpet becomes part of the daily routine. It turns out dog poop is even worse than baby poop.
- There’s another mouth to feed every night. And you can’t just whip out a boob. More from The Stir: 25 Common Momisms We Swear We’ll Never Say (But Always Do)
- And another body to clean up after. Hello, muddy paws. At least newborns keep their mess contained to their diapers.
- The doctor bills are insane. Why is it that I’m at the vet’s so much more than I was ever at the pediatrician’s?
- Nobody offers to watch the “baby” or brings you dinner like they did when you had a new baby.
- Shoes become chew toys. Not one of my kids ever destroyed my favorite pair of heels. Ever.
- The crying. Sure, baby cries are sad. But dog cries? ARE THE MOST ANNOYING THING ON EARTH.
- There’s no such thing as puppy maternity leave.
- The dog won’t take care of you when you’re old. And, even worse, you’ll have to take care of it. Still considering that puppy? Image via Scary Mommy
title: “10 Ways Puppies Are Even Worse Than Kids” ShowToc: true date: “2024-09-26” author: “Michael Dowdy”
(And, yes, that’s my 9-week-old golden retriever. Don’t let her cuteness fool you. She’s a devil.)
- You’ll no longer sleep though the night. You’ll be up just as often as you were with a newborn and a puppy isn’t nearly as good of an excuse for dark circles as a new baby is.
- Scrubbing pee and shit out of the carpet becomes part of the daily routine. It turns out dog poop is even worse than baby poop.
- There’s another mouth to feed every night. And you can’t just whip out a boob. More from The Stir: 25 Common Momisms We Swear We’ll Never Say (But Always Do)
- And another body to clean up after. Hello, muddy paws. At least newborns keep their mess contained to their diapers.
- The doctor bills are insane. Why is it that I’m at the vet’s so much more than I was ever at the pediatrician’s?
- Nobody offers to watch the “baby” or brings you dinner like they did when you had a new baby.
- Shoes become chew toys. Not one of my kids ever destroyed my favorite pair of heels. Ever.
- The crying. Sure, baby cries are sad. But dog cries? ARE THE MOST ANNOYING THING ON EARTH.
- There’s no such thing as puppy maternity leave.
- The dog won’t take care of you when you’re old. And, even worse, you’ll have to take care of it. Still considering that puppy? Image via Scary Mommy
title: “10 Ways Puppies Are Even Worse Than Kids” ShowToc: true date: “2024-09-13” author: “Tina Webb”
(And, yes, that’s my 9-week-old golden retriever. Don’t let her cuteness fool you. She’s a devil.)
- You’ll no longer sleep though the night. You’ll be up just as often as you were with a newborn and a puppy isn’t nearly as good of an excuse for dark circles as a new baby is.
- Scrubbing pee and shit out of the carpet becomes part of the daily routine. It turns out dog poop is even worse than baby poop.
- There’s another mouth to feed every night. And you can’t just whip out a boob. More from The Stir: 25 Common Momisms We Swear We’ll Never Say (But Always Do)
- And another body to clean up after. Hello, muddy paws. At least newborns keep their mess contained to their diapers.
- The doctor bills are insane. Why is it that I’m at the vet’s so much more than I was ever at the pediatrician’s?
- Nobody offers to watch the “baby” or brings you dinner like they did when you had a new baby.
- Shoes become chew toys. Not one of my kids ever destroyed my favorite pair of heels. Ever.
- The crying. Sure, baby cries are sad. But dog cries? ARE THE MOST ANNOYING THING ON EARTH.
- There’s no such thing as puppy maternity leave.
- The dog won’t take care of you when you’re old. And, even worse, you’ll have to take care of it. Still considering that puppy? Image via Scary Mommy